Floral Matching Skirt and Top (Sew U Pattern)

 I've been searching for fabric with a border print for sometime and this one fitted the bill. Although, I had no idea of what to make with it at first, but a little soul searching later coupled with lusting after a matching skirt and top set and this is what I came up with.....

 I knew I had to make use of this border print so with a quick sketch at hand of how I wanted it to roughly look and using patterns from the sew u home stretch book. I set about sewing up my matching outfit. 

  The patterns I used were the skirt front/back and waist band along with the bodice front/back and sleeve pattern. I made very few adjustments, only shorting the sleeve and shaping the skirt's hem width.
Once it was sewing up I toke an additional inch off the length of the hem, same for the bodice and some off the sleeves length too, just to neaten the look up. It's amazing what a few inches here and there can do for an outfit.

  This outfit did satisfied my curiosity about owning a matching set, whilst getting in some much need sewing experience with stretch fabric.
 Realistically I'm not sure if I would wear this outfit as a whole, I'm not sure what it is exactly about it that makes me feel this way, maybe it's just a bit too match-y match-y for my taste so it will probably get more wear as separates.

Tech info:
Pattern: taken from sew u home stretch book
size: small
make again: Hmm verdicts out on this one
fabric: eBay from the Minerva crafts shop
Time taken: 3 to 4 hours

It's going to be quite round these parts for the next two weeks or so whilst I go off on my Holibobs but until then here are some out-take photo's! what is it with men and taking photo's.....??
'doing the robot'

'heading for the gurning championships'

Have a lovely Easter x

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  1. oh! beautiful! GENIUS pattern placement! and poses to boot :)!

    1. Ahh thanks! Yes the last two poses are umm..... Special ha!

  2. I just came accross your blog the first time. The outfit is lovely and really suits you!


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