2016 & Uni Update.....

What a difference a year makes. This time last year I had just applied to go to uni and was anxiously waiting to hear back. Now I'm up to my eyeballs in course-work, getting ready for my first hand-in a week today!!!

On reflection from this time last year, I feel much more contented in myself, despite a few hesitant thoughts leading up to uni, I'm thoroughly enjoying it and feel I've made the right decision, whatever the future might hold.
2015 turned out to be a good year for me, so here's to 2016 and more of the same, with perhaps a bit more healthy eating, exercising and cocktails thrown in for good measure!!

A quick look at what I've been doing uni- wise. My first make is a denim top, I feel a bit disappointed with the design (although it's not fully made ) I feel I could have pushed myself to h create a more elaborate design, although we aren't being marked on design for this project but construction so there's hope yet.

Drawing wise I feel I'm improving and I've released that putting in that bit extra effort even when I think it looks ok does go a long way further......

final illustration in progress

Toile done in calico with stitching detail applied. 

collage using fabric.

muse done using pro-markers.

Have a great 2016 and  Happy New Year!!! 
